Diving in Camotes & Philippines


Only few dive reports exist on the internet about Camotes Islands, pictures are also rare. The only sure thing is that, there exists an underwater paradise underneath this group of islands that deserves a spot in the diving world and waiting to be explored.

Diving with SDDS offers simple relaxed diving and other actives in keeping with the whole experience of staying at Moabog Reef and Resort.

Philippines Diving – a true paradise for experienced and junior divers. You can do any kind of scuba diving there: technical, wreck or recreational. Philippines contain 7.500 islands surrounded by three seas: Philippine Sea, South China Sea and Celebes Sea. You can explore a whole underwater city built from wrecks, reefs, atolls and seaweeds. The fauna is also fantastic. Philippines are located in the Golden Triangle, so you will meet 6 from 7 kinds of marine turtles, pygmy seahorses, thresher sharks, squids, cuttlefish, octopus, frogfish, shrimps, Napoleon wrasse and over 2.400 species of colorful reef fishes. If you still have doubts, let me mention deep and warm clear blue water, sun, stunning mountains and tropical forest views, amazing diving resorts, certified diving courses from PADI, tasty food, street markets, hand-made souvenirs and friendly locals talking English.

Useful Dive Information

Before coming to the Philippines, you have to know some useful information.

Weather conditions: the diving season in the Philippines is all year round, but you have to choose the right time to come according to the weather. December – March: strong winds from the northeast monsoon and about 25 degrees temperature. April – June: dry warm period with a little wind and average 27-30 degrees temperature. July – November: the warmest period with wet monsoon and 32 degrees temperature. Humidity is high all year round and the water temperature varies between 23-30 degrees.